Christianity and Science with Dr. Gary Ferngren

March 9 9:00 - 10:00 am  |  Fellowship Hall

Christianity and Science

*We apologize the sound quality for Lectures 1 & 2 is very poor. The sound quality in the rest of the series is much improved.

9:00am  Fellowship Hall

The course will be taught by Dr. Gary Ferngren and will cover major points at issue from early church history to the present.

Zoom Link:

January 12 Science in Early Christianity

Gary Ferngren Lecture 1 Christianity and Science

January 19 No class

January 26 The Copernican Revolution and Early Protestantism

Gary Ferngren Lecture 2 Christianity and Science

February 2 Geology, Genesis, and Evolution

Gary Ferngren Lecture 3 Christianity and Science

February 9 Galileo, Geology, Genesis and Evolution

Lecture 4 Christianity and Science Gary Ferngren

February 16 Geology, Genesis and Evolution continued

Lecture 5 Science & Christianity Genesis and Geology

February 23 The Creation-Evolution Debate and Modern Cosmology

Lecture 5 Science & Christianity Genesis and Geology


March 3 Christianity and Science in the Twentieth Century

Lecture 7 Gary Ferngren The Interpretation of Genesis Ch One