Special Business Meeting: Search Committee
November 14, 2021 12:00 pm | FBC Sanctuary
November 14th after Worship in the Sanctuary with a Zoom Option
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84669190788?pwd=WExoNlhSczdiYnhyUEkyWWtNL1piZz09
Meeting ID: 846 6919 0788
Passcode: 996089
Please read the two attachments in full to understand the process of nominating and electing a Pastoral Search Committee and approving a policy appendix at a Special Business Meeting on November 14th.
Childcare Option during Special Congregational Meeting – Nov 14th
There will be a childcare option during the Special Congregational meeting this Sunday, November 11th at noon in the Fireside room. This will free up both parents to be able to attend the Special meeting to choose a Search committee. We are recommending that parents bring a snack or sack lunch for their child. It can be stored in the fireside kitchen with their name on it. We will have some snacks that can hold them over if it is forgotten. We will provide activities and maybe a movie for the kids during the meeting.