Spring Congregational Meeting
June 5, 2022 12:00 pm | Fellowship Hall with a Zoom Option
Meeting Agenda:
Available in Church Bulletin: FBCBulletin 5.22.22
2022-23 Ministry Plans:
Please read these carefully. Submit your questions ahead of time to office@fbccorvallis.org so that ministry leaders are prepared to thoughtfully address your questions.
2022-23 Proposed Budget:
2022-2023 Budget with Mission Addendum-Online Ver
Dear Members,
It is a pleasure to submit for your review our proposed 2022-23 annual budget. It is the culmination of many hours of work by the Finance Team, Ministry Group Leaders, and Elders. Since you may have questions after reviewing the budget. I would appreciate it if you would submit your questions to me prior to our annual meeting on June 5. It will allow me to provide well researched and thoughtful responses. Please email your questions to jim@fbccorvallis.org.
Zoom Option:
Phone Number: (253)215-8782
Passcode: 396297