Women’s Bible Studies
Every Monday Until March 27
All women are invited to join us for a 7 session Bible study as we walk through the book of Ruth together!
Mondays – 7:00 pm at Cindy Forrest’s home, start date February 6th.
Tuesdays – 9:30-11:30 am in Fellowship Hall, starting February 7th.
Fridays – time, start date and location TBA. Contact Joy Tinsley for details: we3tins@comcast.net
Sign ups will begin 1/22 in the lobby, or contact Cathy Cunningham to sign up: raydotpc@aol.com
Study books are $20, payable by cash, check to FBC, or online.
Ruth: Loss, Love, and Legacy by Kelly Minter.
Many of us struggle through seasons of bitterness, tears, and loss, wondering if there could ever be a happy ending to our stories. The story of Ruth affirms that yes, there is hope. However, it’s not found in a happy ending scribed by a novelist’s pen, but in the power and protection of a sovereign God who never takes His eyes off of us for even a moment. In this 7-session study from Kelly Minter, we’ll examine Ruth’s journey of unbearable loss, redeeming love, and divine legacy. We’ll see how God proves Himself faithful as the One who rescues, revives, and restores. Come join us as we walk through the book of Ruth together!