Small Groups
“We desire that no one walks away and no one walks alone.”
Multi-generational discipleship is the heart of who we are and what we do as a church. And small groups are where discipleship happens best! Jesus calls us to follow Him (Matt 4:19) and He calls us to be disciples who are making disciples (Matt 28:18-20). Our discipleship opportunities are designed to help you connect with the next generation so you can grow together in love and be better equipped to lead the next generation to Jesus.
Bible Studies
Bible Studies are gatherings throughout the week where we discuss a Bible passage and how God is shaping our lives through them. They foster relationship-building and help an individual find places to serve the church and community. Our Bible Studies include mixed-generation groups as well as a young couples group. Let us know if you are interested!
I'm Interested!
Adult Bible Class
Various times of the year, we will study God's Word together in Adult Bible Classes. Stay tuned!