Welcome to our kids ministry

The next generation grows up fast! From cradle to middle school we seek to have every child who comes to FBC know that God loves them, Jesus offers to save them and give them new life, that church is for them, and that they are called to serve.

Kids Ministry

Sunday Mornings at 10:30am


Nursery/Toddlers class serves our littlest ones birth through age 2 in the
Nursery room #12.

Preschool Church
Preschool Church

Preschool kids will be learning more about Jesus power to heal when he was confronted with 10 lepers and how many of them came back to thank Him in the lesson called Jesus’ Power.


K-5th Kids Church
K-5th Kids Church

K-5th kids will be learning more about the prophets during the Divided Kingdom of Israel.  God raised up the prophets to warn the people to worship God alone.  This week’s lesson is Elisha Served as a Prophet. Kids will be dismissed from the Worship service about 10:45 am to gather in the lobby and go up to the Kids Church room.

At Home Kids Lesson

Preschool Kids can watch the Jesus’ Power lesson video
at this link.

A coloring page or craft is available for this lesson in the Friday Parent email.

At Home Kids Lesson

K-5th Kids can watch the lesson Elisha Served as a Prophet lesson at this link.

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Interested in FBC Kids or Opportunities to Volunteer?