Small Groups & Bible Studies

Below is a list of current Small Group and Bible studies with a brief description of their activities and focus

Senior men's Bible Study

This small group is focused on elderly men with the youngest member currently at 84 years of age. We spend time learning the Bible, talk about how it applies to life, and pray for each other.

If interested please contact Ron Dell using the button below


10:00 AM-11:00 AM Dan Reed's House

Men's Bible Study and breakfast (optional)

We are a group of senior men, although men of all ages are welcome. We meet each week in the church Conference Room. We open with prayer then take about 30-40 minutes discussing the verses. This is more analysis driven with the goal of the group is to understand the intent of the verses, how they were understood at the time of their writing, and modern day application. The study will end with a time of sharing of praises and prayer requests. Study is done on a chapter by chapter basis.

After the study there is an optional breakfast with the goal of building community.

If interested please contact Jay Todd using the button below.


7:00 AM - 8:00 AM First Baptist Church "Choir Room"

Women's Bible Study

Women of all ages are welcome to attend this discussion-based group. Join us as we grow with a video-based lesson series and discussion on how the passage applies to life. They usually end our time praying for each other.

If interested please contact Joy Tinsley using the button below.


9:00 AM - 11:15 AM Mary Powelson's House

Wille/Kelley Small Group

Our group rotates between houses and includes an icebreaker, devotional, prayer, and dessert. Every couple of months we share a meal together to build fellowship and community.

Contact Carole Wille using the button below for meeting location.


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Biweekly between Carole Wille's and Nancy Kelly's houses

Johnson Small Group

This group meets via Zoom. We're currently in the book of Jonah. We really enjoy getting to know each other, studying the Bible, and praying for each other and the church.

If interested please contact Mark Johnson using the button below.


7:30 PM - 8:45 PM

Rinkin Small Group

We are currently studying the book of Exodus to see how God's power is available to deliver and sustain us.

For more information, contact Mike Rinkin by clicking the button below.


7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Mike & Judy Rinkin's House

Harris Small Group

We meet one Friday a month to discuss the book "I Once Was Lost." And we meet one Sunday a month for dinner and fellowship.

For more information, contact Jeff Harris by clicking the button below.


5:30 PM Meets in various locations


7:00 PM Meets in various locations

PB&J Small Group

Join Pastor Barry & Jeannie (PB&J) as we gather together for fellowship and to discuss how to live out the passage from the previous Sunday's message.

Click the button below to contact Pastor Barry for more information.


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pastor Barry & Jeannie's House